Get more girls excited about math.
Does your school offer enrichment camps over the summer? If families at your school would be interested in an all-girls math program for their daughters, consider bringing Count Me In to your campus this summer.

Bring Count Me In Math Camps to your school!
Contact Us
Girls at Count Me In camps will play, dance, create, and compete. They'll think it's all fun and games. You'll know better.
How does it work?
Count Me In programs are available for girls going into grades 1-6. When your school purchases a Count Me In camp set, you and your teachers will have everything you need - from curriculum and daily camp schedules to beads and water balloons ... a complete "math camp in a box"!We make it fun for the girls and easy on your teachers.See our products page for more information.

Our whole family was talking about math last week! I've really never seen her so engaged.
- Kristin, CMI parent
Every day Abby came home excited about what she'd done that day. The things she told us about were really cool - from 'congruent' dance moves to tipping the cashiers. Love it!
- Virginia, CMI parent
Camp went great. I had a mom call to say her daughter didn't just like math camp, she LOVED it!
- Amy, CMI teacher
Coming Soon!We are currently piloting our newest camp program for middle school girls: "Calculators and Coordinate Planes".
Phone: 303.564.6512
764 S. Vine St. Denver, CO 80209